Friday, August 20, 2010

Moto DROID Froyo 2.2 update FINALLY!!

Finally got prompted to update to Froyo 2.2 last night!! Downloaded over 3G driving home and it was installed and rebooted and ready to go when I pulled in the driveway!

All the little aesthetic/functional changes add up to a big, awesomely useful update! The shortcut bar on the bottom with phone and browser freed up 2 spaces on the main screen and the 5 screens are like finding new rooms in your house to use! Gotta spread out my setup I've been cramming into the previously available 3 screens.

Oh and the stock keyboard wow! Little tweak to the spacing makes ALL the difference in the world! SO much easier to type on the Android keyboard now. HTC IME keyboard crashing after update so I uninstalled and backed up install files so HTC IME Keyboard for 2.1 posting won't be incomplete. In a stroke of awesomeness, the developer has already release a new version for 2.2! Downloaded and installed smooth as the first time!

The little look-and-feel changes throughout are very nice and intuitive. System seems to be running very smooth. Time will tell if it indeed is running more efficiently..